Sun Oh

Jeesun Oh.Ph.D. ID KAIST

Hi, I am Jeesun Oh. I study human-computer interaction and design digital products.

While pursuing my Ph.D. at ID KAIST, I studied voice user interfaces, specifically regarding voice characteristics, proactive verbal communication, and visual feedback in voice interaction. I completed a double major in Human Environment and Design (BA) and Business (BBA) at Yonsei University and earned a Master's degree in Digital Design and Branding (MSc) from Brunel University in London, UK. I have work experience as a temporary team member for Google ATAP, focusing on a wearable band that tracks users' physiological states and gesture interactions, as well as designing an app to visualize physiological data. I also worked as a UX/UI designer at a digital product agency, where I designed a variety of digital products across platforms, including web, mobile, tablet, and TV. After completing my Ph.D. as an HCI researcher, I am currently seeking opportunities to continue my research in human-computer interaction, with a primary focus on voice interaction, expanded to include multimodal approaches that integrate gesture and visual modalities. I am also keen to explore applications in robotics and conversational agents for cars, smart homes, and public spaces.

#HCI Researcher #UX Researcher(UXR) #UX/UI Designer #Product Designer
#Interaction Designer #Service Designer

  • Education

Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Design, KAIST, Daejeon
MSc Digital Design and Branding, Brunel University, London
BS Human Environment and Design & BBA Business, Yonsei University, Seoul
  • Work Experience

UX/UI Designer, Google ATAP (Temporary)  1 year 10 months
UX Designer, Handstudio, Digital Product Agency (Full-Time)  1 year 8 months

Download Resume

Publications & Research Fund

My research interests lie in Conversational UX and Voice UX within the field of HCI (Human-Computer Interaction). I aspire to continue my research to contribute to the advancement and design of future interactions between AI and users. Particularly, I seek to explore insightful design implications that balance machine-like and human-like characteristics in conversational agents, considering their new ontology.

The Era of AI as a Human Rival: Why Do People Experience Negative Emotions Toward AI?
Huisung Kwon, Jeesun Oh, Suyoun Lee, and Sangsu Lee
CHI 2025
(Under Review)

Toward a Third-Kind Voice for Conversational Agents in an Era of Blurring Boundaries Between Machine and Human Sound
.Jeesun Oh, Heyonjeong Im, and Sangsu Lee
. 🔗 ACM Digital Library
CUI 2024 Provocations

VOICON: Geometric motion-based Visual Feedback in Voice User Interface
. Jeesun Oh, Nayeong Kim, Yuchun Yan, and Sangsu Lee

🔗 ACM Digital Library
DIS 2024 Pictorial

Better to Ask Than Assume: Proactive Voice Assistants’ Communication Strategies That Respect User Agency in a Smart Home Environment
. Jeesun Oh, Wooseok Kim, Sungbae Kim, Hyeonjeong Im, and Sangsu Lee
.🔗 ACM Digital Library
CHI 2024

2020 KAIST Venture Research Program in the College of Engineering
. 2020. 05. 01 – 2020. 12. 31
Received 8,500,000 KRW (6500 USD) in funding




NH Invetment & Securities,
NH UX Trend Report
UX Researcher (100%) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee)
2023.05 – 2024.06
Google ATAP, Health Tracking Wearable Device and Mobile App
UX Researcher (100%) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee)
2021.05 – 2022.03
VOICON: Geomteric Motion-Based Visual Feedback In VUI
HCI Researcher (1st Author) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee)
2019.08 – 2020.03
#VA #Research
Samsung Design, Proactive Bixby in a Smart Home Environment
UX Researcher (Project Manager & 1st Author) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee) 2019.08 – 2020.03
#VA #Research
NH Investment & Securities, NAMUH Stock Trading Mobile App
UX Researcher (Project Manager) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST  (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee) 2018.11 – 2019.07
Samsung Display, Samgsun Music TV App
UX/UI Designer (100%) in Handstudio  (Digital Product Agency)
2017.11 – 2017.12
Samsung Design, DAYBOOK, Calendar-Based Lifelog Mobile App
UX/UI  Designer (100%) in Handsudio (Digital Product Agency)2017.08 – 2017.10
Samsung Display, Game TV App and CMS
UX/UI  Designer (100%) in Handsudio (Digital Product Agency)2017.06 – 2017.09
Samsung Display, Q-Rator (Retail Marketing Solution) Tablet App
UX/UI Desinger (100%) in Handstudio (Digital Product Agency) 2017.04 – 2017.06
Samsung C-Lab, Fit My Space (AR Interior) Mobile App
UX/UI Desinger (100%) in Handstudio (Digital Product Agency) 2017.02 – 2017.03
Samsung CSR + Good Neighbours, Ghana mHealth E-Trakcer App
UX Researcher (100%) in Next Interface Lab. KAIST (Supervisor: Prof. Sangsu Lee) 2016.11 – 2016.12
Blizzard Heroes of Storm Event Website and CMS
UX/UI Designer (100%) in Handstudio (Digital Product Agency) 2016.08 – 2016.10
Riot Games + Coca Cola, 2016 Coke-LoL Summer Promotion Mobile Web
UX/UI Desinger (100%) in Handstudio (Digital Product Agnecy) 2016.04 – 2016.07
STEAM + Samsung Display, Steam Link Samsung TV App and CMS
UX/UI Designer (100%) in Handstudio (Digital Product Agnecy)2016.04 – 2016.08
BIGVOCA Quiz Mobile App (Andriod/iOS)
UX/UI Desinger (100%), Persoal Project

2016.04 – 2016.06
UIVE Photo Archiving Display Product System Design
Master Student (100%) in Digital Design and Branding Course, Burnel University London
2015.06 – 2015.11
BT  Togetthere  Smart Glasses for Dementia  People
Team of 4 master students (25%): UX Reseasrch  (25%), Interaction Design (100%)2015.04 – 2015.06
Marker Bookmark Mobile App
Master Student (100%)  in  Digital Design and Branding course,  Brunel Universty Londonh 2014.09 – 2015.04
NH Invetment & Securities, 
NH UX Trend Report
Master Student (100%) in Digital Design and Branding Course, Burnel University London2014.09 – 2015.04

Beyond Work

In my personal time, I enjoy engaging in active pursuits that help me relieve stress and bring energy to my life. On a daily basis, I try to incorporate activities like yoga, running, and strength training into my routine. I also embrace the seasons by taking part in activities like golf, diving, and snowboarding. I love traveling to different countries to broaden my horizons and gain new experiences. I find inspiration in nature, architecture, design, and the creativity in art.

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Thank you for visiting. If you're interested, feel free to reach out—I’m happy to have a coffee chat!

© 2025 Sun Oh